A little glimpse of some of my boards. Click here to see more.
So what I've decided I'm going to do is go through my boards weekly and pick 5 things that I want to do that week. I'm also going to try to delete up to 10 pins a week of things that I know I'm never going to do. I've pinned so many things that let's be honest, I'll never, ever go back to or consider doing.
Like this one. My youngest is going on 10 months and he's about 18 pounds, so unfortunately, he's too heavy for me to carry him in a carrier anymore. I really enjoyed the time that I got to carry him in my carrier though. There were plenty of times when it was just me and the kiddos and it was so nice to have Little E attached to me and have my hands free. So this just got deleted from my Pinterest account. I didn't make it before and I never will because I don't have the need for it anymore.
There's even some boards like my "Newborn Ideas" board that I can delete completely because I'm never going to have another newborn in my life. (Well, not until Big E and Little E have kids of their own, but we've got a LONG way to go for that!)
So are you as addicted to Pinterest as I am? What are some things from Pinterest that you've tried recently?
Pinterest is the best! When I need a recipe or am trying to figure out how to do something, it's way better than google!