Monday, May 1, 2017

Better late than never...

So last month in this post I wrote about how I was going to do a 30 day Spring cleaning challenge. I was a few days behind but was going to catch up and I even said maybe some days I could double (or triple) up and maybe get the list done sooner. Ha! I have no idea what I was thinking when I said that. I started doing a few things from it actually, but then it got to be the middle of April and I realized I wasn't following the list so I just kind of gave up.

So now with it being May 1st, I'm going to start over and this time I'm making it through the list! I'm determined to keep my house cleaner this year and I know I can make it happen! If that means playing less video games, then that's what's gonna have to happen!

First up is the fridge! My fridge is ALWAYS a mess!! I've been looking up different ways on how to keep my fridge more organized and I'm determined to get it organized for good! I'll clean it out and then 2 days later, it's a mess!

I actually cleaned out my fridge last night and didn't take a before picture. But here is what it looks like now. I'm hoping it will actually stay this clean for longer than 2 days!!!

Instead of bombarding you with a post a day about my spring cleaning progress, I will only post about it twice a week with a few days worth of my progress. That's all for now! Have a great day!!

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