Sunday, November 26, 2017

This Is Us

*Spoiler- make sure you are all caught up on This Is Us before reading, as this post contains some spoilers*

So I don't know about you, but when I first saw a preview for the show This Is Us, I was so excited for this show!!! My hubby and I watched Parenthood on Netflix together and this show looked very similar!! Well, NBC definitely did not disappoint with this show. I look forward to watching it every week. The other week my hubby was away from a Tuesday-Friday, so we had to wait even longer that week to watch that weeks' episode!!

Every week I'm on the edge of my seat and am looking for more clues as to how Jack died. I keep wondering "When will they just tell us already?" Well, for the first time ever, this past week I didn't care one bit that we wouldn't be finding out how he died or even get anymore clues. If you're all caught up on This Is Us, we all know that Kate had a miscarriage. They told us at the very end of an episode and then dived into it deeper the following week, which was last Tuesday's episode.

One in 5 women will have a miscarriage, which is more people than you actually think experience it. The reason we think not that many people experience miscarriages is because it isn't something that is talked about a lot. I personally don't know what this feels like first hand, but I have read many stories of women who have gone through this. I applaud NBC and the writers of the show for discussing this issue. It isn't a happy issue to talk about at all, but I'm sure that this episode has helped some women in some way.

I'll admit, up to this point I've never shed a tear while watching the show. Yes there were tons of other sad parts in the show, but none of them were powerful enough to bring me to tears. I guess being a mother and the fact that I've been pregnant twice before, it just hit me a little harder than the other sad parts it. As I already said, I've never had a miscarriage and there's no way I could ever know what someone who has is feeling, but there's just something about this episode that made me tear up a bit. I can't even begin to imagine how heartbreaking it must be to lose a baby that you've never met before. No matter how long you carry a baby inside you, it is still your baby and it has got to be one of the worst things in the world to lose that before you even get to meet him or her.

Again, I applaud NBC for shedding some light on this issue that is so hard for us to talk about. I hope this episode helped at least one person out there!

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