Friday, January 5, 2018

I learned something new...

You know how people say "You learn something new everyday"? Well, here is the thing that I learned today: Steve Jobs got fired from Apple, the company that he co-founded. Then he went on to create a company called NeXT and he had a part in creating Pixar. I was in for a learning support teacher today and when I came back to the main room the students were in, the class was discussing an article about Steve Jobs. They were talking about how important it is to work with others because Apple then realized that they needed Jobs working with them. Just think about what could have happened had Jobs never worked with Apple again.

Or think about what would have happened if Apple never fired him in the first place. Would Pixar have been created and be as big as it is today? Who knows. It's another one of those times where we can say "things happen for a reason." Even bad things that happen to us can turn into positive things if we have a positive outlook. When something bad happens to us and we are only looking at the negative, we can't find anything positive from that experience.

What is one moment in your life that you look back at and think "If that hadn't happened, my life would be completely different." For me it would be meeting my husband. If we had never met, I wouldn't have my 2 precious children. And there would be people in my life that I don't know. So be grateful for every moment in your life, even the bad ones. Because if you stay positive, then positive things will come your way. It's all about mindset!!

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