Sunday, January 21, 2018

Things I need to stop saying

So for a while now I've realized that Big E is a huge sponge just taking in everything she sees and hears! But recently she's just been picking up more things so it's got me thinking that I really need to watch what I say when I'm around her. It's not like I swear or anything, but there's just certain things I don't want her saying.

The biggest one is "What the heck!" Now I know most would agree that "heck" is a lot better than "h-e-double hockey sticks", but it's still a word that I don't want my almost 4 year old saying. So starting now I'm going to try to get that word out of my vocabulary. Instead I can say "What in the world?" That I don't mind hearing Big E say.

I honestly can't think of anything else I say that I don't want her to say. I just knew that was the # 1 thing that I should stop saying so she doesn't repeat it. Obviously I don't want to swear in front of her because I don't want her saying swear words. But like I said, I rarely swear as it is, so I don't think I have to worry about slipping in front of her.

Little E is becoming a little sponge as well. For being 18 months, he doesn't really talk too much to where you can understand him. But the few words that he does say, wow! I'm so surprised he knows them. Yesterday we went to Target and there was a school bus parked in the parking lot and my husband said that Little E said what sounded like "school bus". Around Christmas time when people had Christmas lights up, he said the word "lights" and I had no idea he knew that word. It's crazy because they really do know more than you think they know. So everything they hear from the adults around them to the TV and music they listen to is super important that it isn't anything bad.

Between a movie on Netflix and Big E's tablet, that's how she knows her ABC's and can identify them! Now she's starting to learn the sounds from a game she plays on her tablet. So while they may recommend that kids under 5 not watch TV or use tablets that long each day, some use is alright if it is educational. It definitely isn't a replacement for me teaching my kiddos that stuff, but it helps!

So what are some things that you say or use to say that you know you shouldn't say around your kids? Leave me some comments! Have a great rest of your Sunday!!

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